Start a conversation


that has the power to change your life.

Humans today tend to live pretty disconnected from source, so flailing around trying to control your life by mind, stuck in what feels like quicksand with no way out, can seem pretty common, even routine.

Techniques to suppress the pain of inner misalignment bring energy surges or numb the pain, but don't bring lasting peace.

And looking everywhere outside yourself for answers doesn't ground you in your own true essence.

Consider this video your invitation to discover a way of being guided directly, by your own inner knowing and love, beyond the mind's destructive patterns and into your life's true potential.

Whether you've dropped into deep knowing in the midst of a spiritual experience, glimpsed epiphanies when your curiosities expanded into a clear insight, or asked questions and perceived wise answers arising from your inner being, you've probably already experienced the well of knowing inside you that goes all the way to source.

What you may not realize is that the glimpses into inner knowing don't need to be sporadic random events that occur here and there. You don't need to access your potent source of inner power only now and then. Nor does it need to be mere glimpses of timeless truths.

It's possible to ask direct questions and receive direct answers. 

In short, it's possible to start a conversation with inner knowing where you ask questions from your human perspective, and the answers arise from deep within you. It's possible to come to such confidence in the source of these answers, and in the love that they emerge from, that you can take the "inner voice" as your guide to all of life.

It's possible to come to deep understanding through this conversation about every question that has ever plagued humanity. And every question that has ever lingered in your heart. 

No questions are forbidden here. None are too impossible. None are too outlandish. 

Everything you are, have ever been, have ever done, all is accepted, all is loved, in this space of your inner voice conversation.

The answer to the world's suffering and to your own pain is all here. So is the pathway to expansiveness. 

Ultimately, this conversation has the power to guide you into enlightenment.

The inner voice can be your guide through all of life.

So what is an inner voice conversation?

First, let's get clear that the "inner voice" I'm referring to here is the process of receiving direct words and pictures from your inner being. This inner voice is always loving, never in fear, never doubtful. Answers don't arrive as "maybe", "I think", "I hope". What arises from pure inner knowing is always in context with what you need right now, and it never seeks to reduce your innate sovereignty. It's always with a sense of purpose. In short, it's love, put to words, in your language, in context of your life.

While you may have accessed your inner voice or received insights from inner knowing in the past, developing a regular conversation can take you so much further.

The basics of how to do it are pretty simple:

Writing with your inner voice

This is probably the most common way people get started and even "accidentally" develop a way of hearing their inner knowing. It's becoming popularized by Elizabeth Gilbert (the Eat, Pray, Love author) in her beautiful "Letters from Love" series, as one of many examples.

This can be as simple as a journaling exercise, where you write a question and then write down what comes to you. The question needs to be with a sense of openness, so you can receive the answer.

Speaking with your inner voice

To take your conversation to the next level, I encourage opening your phone's voice recorder and trying an audio conversation. This may feel awkward at first, and it's best if you do it in your own private space, so you're not distracted by others around you. But once you get past the initial awkwardness of "talking to yourself", you may find that you can drop in deeper and come to more presence and confidence with what you receive.

With your voice recorder on, close your eyes, speak your question and then breathe out. Speak out loud whatever word or words arise naturally within you.

A starting point

Inner voice, are you here?

Do you love me?

What can you show about . . . [whatever you're curious about]

Facilitation into your inner voice

Experienced facilitation in accessing your inner voice can help you gain confidence and skill with what you're receiving. 

Whether you're brand new to hearing your inner voice or you already have some experience, facilitation can help you drop in deeper, go to places you may not on your own, and learn new skills for your inner voice adventure. And if you're asking the common question, "How do I know it's my inner voice?", working with an expert guide who's already familiar with the space can help you gain clarity to discern the difference between your inner voice and your mind. 

As a certified inner voice facilitator, over the past 5 years I have facilitated around 100 inner voice sessions for others and around 1000 for myself. Past clients have remarked how much easier it is to go into a deep, clear connection while I've held space. 

You can't fully grasp the value of dropping in with expert facilitation until you've experienced it firsthand. That's why right now, in early 2025, I'm offering a limited number of 30-minute free starter inner voice sessions, one on one. 


“Eva helped me feel safe and grounded. She provided space and gentle guidance for me to connect with my intuition deeper than I have before. She was in tune with my energy and asked all the right questions to bring forth wisdom from within. I look forward to more sessions with Eva and would definitely recommend working with her if you are wanting to connect with your inner voice!” 


"Wonderful guidance into the depths of my being, eliciting healing and evolution on many levels. Be prepared to face and embrace yourself deeply and leave your mind behind."



"I have worked intimately with Eva over the past year following completing and receiving my IVFT certification and trust her completely. She is a profound space holder with an ability to bring a unique perspective to every question and challenge. I’ve never felt more deeply and presently supported in my own personal healing and growth work and in developing and deepening my connection with Inner Voice. She is a gift and truly changed my life. I’m beyond grateful to have found her . . . and forever changed by her work."

About Eva Live

I first started hearing my inner voice around 2001 at the age of 20, when I was deep within evangelical Christianity. I would write questions to God, and then write down what arose within me, which I perceived as the voice of God. 

It's easy to perceive your inner voice as hearing from God, like Neale Donald Walsch did in Conversations with God, because what you receive when you tune into your inner essence is literally what humanity has always perceived as divine.

The inner voice is perceived as divine, because it rings with clarity, with power, with love, and with a sense of infinity that's far beyond human minds. That's because it's emanating from source, from all that is, from love.

But accessing your inner voice isn't restricted to any specific religion or belief system. This is about your own inner connection to who you are as consciousness. However you interpret this connection based on your existing culture and beliefs may color the experience, but ultimately when you choose to tune in to Love (by whatever name you call it), love is what you receive. 

I was in love. But not belonging.

By my early 20's, I was already in the midst of a love relationship with the divine, and that expanded a lot through 3 years of Christian charismatic training schools — where I encountered Love in many ways, through heightened spiritual and energetic experiences. Ultimately I came away with a single prayer: Give me reality.

But I also felt relationally disconnected in the churches I attended. There was a profound sense of not belonging that arose to an inner torment when I would force myself to go. So around 2009, I stopped attending church altogether, and ultimately deconstructed from Christianity over the next several years.

In 2016, I decided to leave my marriage, and that external shift unleashed a powerful awakening within me. I still knew that same Love I'd always known, but I had no paradigm or belief system left around it, so my prayer became, "I accept you for who you are and who you are not, without knowing."

A spiritual awakening and inner voice opening

A year or so later, the dam burst with the question, "Who are you really?" The answer that filled my awareness was far beyond words, as a deep knowing and understanding settled within me, like a 1000 piece puzzle instantly falling into place. The words were "That's what I'm trying to find out". The knowing was that we/God/being is here for experiencing through human form who we are. The human life is about expressing and experiencing what love is.

That awakening led to a season of personal and spiritual growth. In early 2020, I came back to the inner voice dialogue with a lot more intention and frequency than ever before. I was inspired by The Lively Show, a podcast by Jess (now Bella) Lively, in which she described her own inner voice experiences and facilitated connection for some of her listeners. Just hearing what she was doing activated it in me more profoundly than ever, and that's when I picked up my phone's voice recorder and started recording the conversation.

Later that same year, I went through Bella's inner voice facilitator training program and certified in facilitating sessions for helping others access their inner voice.

A "masters" course in life, taught by inner voice

 Since then I've gone through seasons of teaching and facilitating and other seasons of retreating, during which I devoted myself to my own inner voice conversation, ultimately culminating in early 2022 with what I like to call a "masters" course in life from inner voice. During this 4.5 month period, I held sessions for myself nearly every day, sometimes multiple per day, and I spent the remainder of my time listening back and editing session transcripts, writing about what I was receiving, and summarizing what came. 

This immersion in inner voice training resulted in a profoundly different understanding of life than what I'd received as a child in Christianity and went far beyond what I'd learned from spiritual teachers since deconstructing from religion. It released me from many misassumptions and created the foundation for further training I've been going through ever since.

Becoming guided through evolving beyond ego

Ultimately, I've learned through trial and error as well as direct instruction from inner voice what it takes to foster a truly transformative conversation where the inner voice can become the guide of the human through evolving beyond ego, into enlightenment. That's the journey I'm taking, and it's my life mission to make a path for transforming humanity into the potential of living as being through human, without simultaneously maintaining egoic separation, so that love may expand and express through the experience of human life.

Ready to start your own inner voice conversation?